Entrevista en The Guardian a Leibovitz.
From the outside, it looked like an odd relationship - Annie Leibovitz, celebrity photographer, and Susan Sontag, writer and intellect. Yet they were a couple for 15 years, travelling the world and sharing their lives. Now Leibovitz has put together her images of Sontag in a book to tell their story. Interview by Emma Brockes Saturday October 7, 2006
The Guardian
 |  'The closest word is still "friend"'... Annie Leibovitz on Susan Sontag. Photograph: Michael Probst/AP |
Over the course of their 15-year friendship, Susan Sontag would often complain to Annie Leibovitz that, despite being one of the most famous photographers in the world, she never took any pictures whenever they went out together. It's a complaint that Leibovitz has had cause to look back on, lately, as a grim kind of irony: during the last weeks of Sontag's life, Leibovitz forced herself to take photographs and now, nearly two years after her friend's death, she has published them in a book. There will be some who think she should not have done.
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The Guardian.
lesbianas * lesbian * fotografa * photographer * annie leibovitz * susan sontag * cancer * artist * art * art
3 comentarios:
¿Por qué negarse a decirse pareja, o al menos amantes?
Gracias por publicar esto,
Par de mujeres grandes y hermosas.
Esta historia me hace llorar.
Se niegan a decir pareja porque el mundo aún es pequeño para enteder la magnitud del amor verdadero, allí donde se presente.
Para mi lo maravilloso de la historia es el amor: el trabajo compartido, la honestidad y la humanidad.
Ay Gabby, esto me toca mucho, vos sabés por qué.
Pensaba lo mismo que dice Sofía. Digo, también "amigas". Pero por qué no nombrar otro vínculo, el más íntimo, el sexuado.
¿Qué motivos habrán tenido?
Un beso
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